Saturday, October 22, 2011

Short Story

This page is dedicated to Short Stories. It is unfortunate that fewer and fewer people these days read stories.  So only the lucky few will experience the joy that reading such fine work can give. The goal of this page is to give everyone a experience to read stories that will excite them into rediscovering this excellent source of entertainment.

This page contains Short Stories about their human and non-human animal relationships. Read these short animal stories about dogs, cats, rabbit, birds, fish, and other crazy critters. Some of them are sad, some are funny, and some are both. Others tell of humans turning to God because of the death of a non-human animal. But one thing that all of these animal stories have in common is that they will touch your heart and soul.

The underlining principles would be truth, love, mutual respect, righteousness, rectitude, divinity, priority to societal unity, etc…All people, including the old people, would enjoy reading these short stories. You are welcome to share these short stories with your friends. These are Short Stories that grow ever more popular as time passes. And we add such Short Stories for you every fortnight.

A vast treasure trove of Animal Tales is yours for the sampling. There are Tales about dog, tiger, lion, elephant, etc... - Stories which have a moral and impart values. Laugh at the Humorous stories and enjoy the tales from Around the Globe and do not forget to delve into them.

We shall be grateful for constructive suggestions from all of you with a view to the improvement of this page.

In case, you know any short story which you want to be published in this page, you can send that story to us, especially Animal Stories.


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