Tuesday, October 25, 2011

The First Shark

The First Shark

Long, long ago there lives a very rich man. He was Kablay. He owned all the fishing boats in a fishing village on the Palawan coast. He also owned the only store in the village.

Kablay lived in luxury. But the fishermen I his employ had almost nothing to eat. He bought the fishermen’s catch cheap. He asked the fishermen to pay rent for his fishing boats. The fishermen bought rice, sugar, coffee, soap and other things in Kablay’s store.

The fishermen bought these things in credit. Kablay collected the debt with the fishermen’s catch. But Kablay charged so much on the things bought. The fishermen could not catch up paying their debts. So Kablay grew richer and richer. The fishermen became poorer and poorer.

One day, Kablay was in his store.
He was counting the sales for the day.
A hungry-looking old man greeted him.

“Food! Give me some food.
Pity me.
I had not eaten for days.”

“Go away!
I have nothing for you.
If you have nothing to eat, jump into the sea.
Then you will not feel hungry anymore.”

Kablay called his servant.

“Drive this man away!
I don’t want to see his face.”

The beggar went to the fishermen’s huts.
He warned them of a coming danger.

“Go up to the hillside.
Take your clothes with you.
Bring whatever food you have.
Something terrible will happen to day.”

The sea rumbled.
Big strong waves rushed to the shore.
Lightning flashed.
Thunder roared.
The fishermen were frightened.
They took their few belongings.
They went up the hill.

Kablay heard the rumbling of the sea.
He saw the big angry waves rushing to the shore.
He saw the flash of lightning in the sky.
He heard the roar of the thunder.
But he was not afraid.
He felt happy.

The poor fishermen would be in debt again.
They would get things in credit again.
Their debts would be bigger and bigger.
The fishermen’s lives would be on his hand.
And Kablay laughed and laughed.

The sea rumbled louder.
Big strong waves dashed beyond the shore.
The waves came down on the small huts.
The waves slashed strongly on Kablay’s house.
Down toppled the house of wood and stone.
The water rose and engulfed the whole village.

Kablay was washed out to the sea.
Something happened to him.
His legs came together.
His feet became a two-pronged tail.
His arms were changed to flippers.
His skin tightened on his body.
He opened his mouth.
It became very big.
Sharp saw-like teeth grew.
Kablay became the first greedy shark.


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